Free Download Redlegs The U.S. Artillery from the Civil War to the Spanish American War 1861–1898 (G.I. The Illustrated History of the American Solder his Uniform and his Equipment)

You can download in the form of an ebook: pdf, kindle ebook, ms word here and more softfile type. Free Download Redlegs The U.S. Artillery from the Civil War to the Spanish American War 1861–1898 (G.I. The Illustrated History of the American Solder his Uniform and his Equipment), this is a great books that I think.

This volume in the popular G.I. series illustrates a much-neglected aspect of American military history the U.S. Army artillerymen, named redlegs after the red stripes on their trousers. The photographs, most of them rarely seen in other sources, range from the Civil War and the campaigns against the American Indians through to the Spanish-American War. Artillery was a vital arm and proved its worth in all of these diverse theatres of war; artillerymen served as part of mobile columns, in sieges and blockades, and as garrisons in remote frontier forts. This handy guide includes superb images and descriptive captions detailing the appearance of the men, their uniforms and equipment, and the ordnance used over the years.
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